Friday, December 19, 2008

Ice 'n Snow

Well good morning! How about a little ice to go with your snow? That's exactly what I woke up to this morning... Ice 'n Snow. We already had the snow. But last night, we got hit hard with an ice storm. Well, hard may not be the word... I mean we're functioning, and I'm at work. But there are sheets of ice covering our drive and our grass and our streets and our trees.... you get the picture. And if you don't, I'll try to take one and post it.

Only 6 days til Christmas... Tomorrow I'm going with the neighbor to have cotton's picture taken with the big man himself, Santa. I hope to post those pictures too!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Piece of Wisdom

As I posted earlier, Rob had his wisdom teeth removed. Now, they warned us that he may have pieces of bone that may work their way through the gum. Apparently, it's not a normal response to this type of procedure, but it does happen. And of course, if it can it will happen to us.

After weeks of Rob complaining about a jagged piece of bone sticking through his gum, I convinced him to call the surgeon and go for a little visit. There was in fact a piece of bone protruding through the gum line. They proceeded to Novocaine him up and then sand down the bone. They told him the gum will heal over the remainder bone.

Yet, after Thanksgiving, Rob was in more pain than ever. So the other night, we're relaxing watching some TV when Rob pulls this piece of bone from his gum line... see the picture. It was a huge piece of bone trying to work its way out. Just a small piece of remaining wisdom!

Big Smiles Everybody

So, here's to us trying to make a Christmas card! We love getting the Christmas cards from everyone, but due to some technical difficulties we will not be sending out Christmas cards this year. Enjoy some of the out takes of our adventures in family photos!!

"Winston, look at the camera... I have a treeeeat!"

"Winston, can you sit?"

"Okay, we give up..."


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanks for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is possibly my favorite holiday of the year... next to my Birthday of course. (Yes, my birthday is a holiday on my calendar at least!) Love me some turkey and dressing, and unlike Christmas you don't stress out about trying to find the perfect gift for everyone. Even though I love presents, remember the Birthday comment, I am much more thankful just to be with my family.

We had the best time at my brother's house! We played rock band. Now, that's a game for the whole family! And little LB kept us entertained at Rob's parents. She is so amazing. She is learning new things everyday. Highlight of the weekend could have been when she nearly dented the collection plate at church as she threw her quarters in as hard as she could!

I wish we would have taken more pictures, but here's my beef with pictures. I feel that it is hard to be in the moment if you're busy capturing the moment. And, I for one, would rather be in the moment rather than filming it. So, I apologize for the boring post. I'll see if maybe Rob caught a few moments.

PS. My Birthday is this month should you feel the need to celebrate or send presents! I like to think of it as a month long or at the very least a week long event!