Thursday, October 30, 2008

Book of the Week: Breaking Dawn

So working has literaly sucked the life out of me, hence no posts. I finished Breaking Dawn, the final book in the Twilight Series, a few weeks ago. Quite possibly the best book ever, and definately the best book of the series. Stephanie Meyer, you are amazing. Thank you for giving us such a beautiful story!

Bella really comes in to her own and the story comes full circle. It was an amazing way to end such a turbulant saga. Plenty of Vampire and Warewolf action as well as unbeatable love story. Of course to appreciate the book you have to read the others. So, just know, it's all worth it in the end.

Work. You may be wondering what's going on with work. Training, training, and more training. I won't complain because I've never had a job where you actually recieve any training. I'm full to the brim with information, and today I got to put it all to the test! Today was my very first day doing the job by myself. Took the training wheels off and boy did I go fast! I'm taking on the world one customer at a time! Many appologies for being a big slacker on the blog!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Work Day No. 1

Work day number 1 of job number 3 in a two year span! Whoo hooo! So, I'm finally back in the work sadle again. Of course, I didn't want to jump right in, I'm only working part time. This job does seem promising though. I spent the usual first day feeling a bit awkward with not a whole lot to do. At least I'm getting all that boring company policy training out of the way. Looks like a reasonably fun and young group to work with so here's hoping!

Last night I finished the last book in the Twilight Series... totally the best book ever. I will post my review soon.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Book of the Week: Eclipse

Yup, you might have guessed it. The third installation in the Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer. I know I gave New Moon less than stellar reviews, and I would say that if I had posted about this book mid way through I would have given Eclipse even less. Thank goodness I stuck it out!

As you read, I served my civic duty as a juror, er, something like that. Anyway, wasting my time at the court house gave me a great chance to finish Eclipse. The majority of the book focuses still on Bella and her struggle to deal with young love. For the most part, I found myself agitated by Bella. Gosh, was I that hard too as a teen... I sadly know the answer. I just wanted to shout at the book... "Bella, grow up! These are people here, you don't get to have it all!"

I battled through all her drama to get to the real action. Soooo glad that I did. I loved this book! LOVE IT! I've been renewed with this series. I am as hooked as I was after reading Twilight. Such raw emotions were explored in the final chapters. I couldn't stop reading. You must check this book out, but please, read the other two beforehand! On to book #4, Breaking Dawn...
Oh, and if you were wondering, no I didn't get picked for a jury and was finally dismissed!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Civic Duties

Today I embarked on 2 of my American Civic Duties. I was summonsed to jury duty... ugh. Of course, this had to happen the week I was supposed to start my new job. But, I guess better sooner than later. And, once I was there I really wanted to be put on a jury! It is truly a wonder to know that I would play a part in our judicial system. Even though I believe that so many of my fellow Americans abuse our court system. I wasn't selected today, so here's hoping for tomorrow.

While I was at the court house, I did take advantage of changing my address on my voter registration which meant I HAD to vote today. I'm not sure that I was quite ready to make my decision, but the way things work I didn't want to miss my opportunity later on in November. It was quite a different voting experience here than the last time I voted. Last time it was a computerized system, this time I voted with pen and paper. Yet, like the last time, there were names on the ballot that I had no idea who they were or what they stood for so voting for or against them seemed strange. So, in some cases, I didn't cast a vote for anyone.

Completely separate order of business... did you see Oprah today! Oh my, my, my! I wasn't raised on a farm nor do I know that many farm owners. At least not up close and personal to have a true opinion about the way they run their farming business. Which brings me to Oprah... what in the world?!?

Today she did a look into the farming industry free range vs. not so free range. I'm guessing this follows on the heels of the expose she did on puppy mills. For one, I think we're missing the big picture here... I mean these farm animals ARE headed to slaughter. While I think they should be well maintained, I'm not sold on "giving these animals a life" just to then take it away in mass quantity makes a whole lot of sense. I'm sure Rob will have more insight being that he is more knowledgeable about working farms. But still, these animals are our food... puppies we choose to take as pets. BIG DIFFERENCE!

I guess a way to tie that in to my post is that this discussion was also sparred on by a proposed bill in California to force farms to be free range. Yet again, our justice system at it's finest. But, this is America. A land where the people still have a voice even if it is small. We can make our views and opinions known which in turn means we need to take that responsibility seriously.

Be sure and take advantage of your civic duty, the liberties we are given being American. PLEASE VOTE... YOUR VOICE MUST BE HEARD!

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Project: Bows

Have you seen the prices of hair bows? I mean the prices for baby bows are crazy! So, I decided to take on a new project and start making bows. None of my 3 of my nieces were blessed in the begining with tons of hair. But, my neighbor on the other hand has a little girl with a head full of dark hair.

I made a few bows for her. See how cute she is!

Here's a picture of me and "Cottontail." The only reason I am posting this one is becuase she's smiling so great for the camera! I look a mess...

I promise I made her a few in different colors. The creme one just looks so striking against her dark hair. Get instructions here on how to make hair bows yourself.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


3 years ago this weekend was a moment in life I will never forget. Rob and I were engaged. Rob had just gone through round 1 of his thesis review and we were getting ready to go home the next week for engagement photos.

Now, I read somewhere that the greatest fear a bride-to-be has is that her fiance will not live to see the wedding day. That something tragic will happen and the love of her life will not longer be a part of her future. And well, I can attest that that could very well be true at least as I nearly experienced it.

Here's to the fire of 2005!

In memorium: 2 VERY UGLY old recliners, may you rest in peace.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Book of the Day: The Shack

The Shack by William P. Young is a book about a father struggeling to understand his family, his wife, himself, and mostly God in the face of the worst tragedy a father could face. This is a rather unique approach to the struggle to accept God as The Almighty and to give Him control of your life in the depths and sorrows this earth can bring. The running undertone could be summen up by one word - relationship.

While The Shack is fiction, I was reeled in from the begining. I wouldn't say that this book offered up anything new or tried my relegious beliefs, but it did help remind me about the mysterious ways of God and the Holy Trinity. It did bring to light the way I tend to think about Jesus as being the compasionate voice, the Holy Spirit being the force of change, and God being the creator of all things.

The deeper reminder I took from this book is that God too is compasionate, afterall it was his compasion that sent Christ to die for my sins and that bad things happen to good people. We do not deserve all the bad that happens in a lifetime nor can we ever earn or perhaps comprehend all the good that God, our Creator, has put in place for and whithin us.

Again this book is fiction, religous fiction. This is in no way a substitue for the Bible and Christ's Church. This is a great book for anyone who has ever sturggled or is struggling to understand the difficuties of this life. I hope this book inspires you to maintain a dialogue with God, ask questions, seek answers, and listen to His word.

The relationship you have with God can most eaisly been seen and felt by the relationship you share with all of His creation (one another).

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Plant A Tree

I wouldn't consider Rob and I environmentalists, but we did plant a tree today. We finally replaced the red bud that didn't come back after last winter. Here's hoping this one will make it through the winter. Keep your fingers crossed. Below is the tree that's soon to get the axe... literally it's only good for fire wood, and it won't make much fire wood either. How sad!

On another note, busy busy day today! Finally, you can't see the crazy 4" dark brown roots coming from my... ahem... blond locks. Then I traveled about town looking for materials to make hair bows. I got so excited about my new craft, I already gave the two I made today to the adorable little girl down the street. Hope to have pics posted super soon.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Career Paths?

Summer is officially over... I have a job! I am thrilled to head back to the workforce. My first day as it currently stands is Monday, which just happens to be my dear brother's birthday.

Somehow I don't think I can pass my new job off as a birthday present to him... humm.... so, I'm out of ideas for gifts and let's not even talk about the crappy cards sold in stores these days. I always enjoyed picking out the perfect card, but over the last year there hasn't been a decent card in sight.

Maybe I should have looked at a career in birthday card writing!

Monday, October 6, 2008

The A.D.D Crafter

I wouldn't say that I'm ADHD becuase I'm not that hyper these days. But, I do have the attention span of a 4-year-old. I love "weekend projects" especially when you're done by the end of the weekend. I suppose my need for instant gratification is the reason I'm leery to do things that I think will take time to finish.

Thanks to the blog that gave me the idea for this super gratifying weekend craft! I was invited to a "grand baby" shower for a friend in the neighborhood. Her son is a soon-to-be-dad to TWIN girls. Buying for doubles can cost a pretty penny, and since I'm such a penny pincher these days I needed a cheap but meaningful gift! Can you use those words in the same sentence these days?

Absolutely, just see the cute onesies I made!
How'd I make 'em you ask? Super simple!! 1 package of onesies, Avery iron-on sheets, computer, printer, and an iron. Pick out your favorite picture or saying, print it onto the Avery sheets, and iron it directly on your shirt or onesie. I takes 10 minuets and you're ready to go! Enjoy!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Book of the Day: New Moon

I wrote in an earlier post about The Twilight Series by tween author Stephanie Meyer. I was absolutely blown away by the first installment, Twilight. I drove 20 minutes out of the way to borrow the second book New Moon to take on our weekend trip. I read it throughout the weekend and finished it before we were barely on the way home.

Yes, this book is a continuation of the first which thrills me more than you know. However, I was quite underwhelmed in the turn of events. I loved the love story behind Bella and Edward, but what had me hooked was the adventure that seems to follow Bella everywhere she goes. This book starts out strong then it turned and spent most of its time focused on the relationships surrounding Bella... gasp... BORING! Now, there was plenty of action, but it just wasn't the same.

I would give this book 3 out of 5 stars Ed McMahon. I will be reading (with a little less enthusiasm) the third book Eclipse. Go ahead check out the series yourself and let me know what you think!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Praying for Wisdom

Today, Rob had his wisdom teeth pulled/cut out. He's been a real trooper through it all. "Can't keep a good man down," I believe is the saying. I would have to agree. Trying to keep Rob resting and healing has been hard.

He's been good about keeping his ice packs on and eating less than solid foods, and he's done well taking his medicine and changing out his gauze. However, he actually mentioned trying to go to the nursery to pick out a new tree to plant in place of our -oh so sad- redbud. And the kicker, he wants to plant it TOMORROW... uh, NO!

Men?!? They just have a hard time sitting still, but I think he's enjoyed the special attention. I have great bedside mannor if I do say so myself, yet I have the heart of a drill sargent making sure he's getting enough rest and fluids.

Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. Rob is doing phenomenal!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008