Wednesday, January 28, 2009


It's been a long COLD winter, but Winston sure does love snow. He likes to run and jump and play. Even when it's -5 out! I usually just shut the door and let him play for a while... not too long, but long enough he's tire when he comes back in!

My favorite part is when the snow has just fallen and it's a perfect white blanket. We get about an inch a week that keeps his tracks kinda covered!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bush Is Out, Obama Is In, All Is Well

That about sums it up! Here's to the change in command. Thank you Mr. President Bush for your service, and thank you Mr. President Obama for your willingness to serve. Days like today make everyone stand a little taller and take note of the reason this country is so great.

In my mind, while today is historic because of the racial barriers that have been crossed, every inauguration is historic. It's a time that we as Americans see what our liberties can do. We as a country vote and make decisions that affect the whole country, and no other time is it more evident than on the day our change in command takes place.

This is truly a great day to be an American; no matter whom you voted for this is our new beginning!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Going Out of Business

You know how this Christmas everyone warned you to be careful when buying giftcards. And, to those who recieve giftcards, spend them quickly! Well, I did get plenty of giftcards for birthday and Christmas. I've spent most of them already, but I learned Saturday that Goody's Family Clothing is going out of business. And, wouldn't you know I got a Goody's giftcard. We only have one where we live so I am anxious to go. Found out last night... THEY'RE CLOSED!

Not exactly sure what I would have bought, but that's a real bummer. Rob also got some pants from there that we were waiting on the reciept to return. Guess we'll send the pants, reciept, and the giftcards back to his mom!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another Christmas Picture

Thanks mom! Here's proof we were at my family's Christmas. Rob and I got new camping chairs which is amazing becuase our other chairs are broken. We spent the last few weekends of the summer standing my the campfire instead of sitting.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Welcome to 2009

Here it is 2009. I'm a few days behind on posting. After being away from our home for so long, Rob and I took the opportunity to ring in the new year from our comfy living room. After dinner with friends, and a trip to Walmart, we settled in to watch the ball drop for '09. Only problem, I didn't make it that long, but Rob woke me up in time to watch it fall. Thanks Honey!!

Want to know how to have fun on January 1 of 2009? I have a great idea, let's put together my new buffet cabinet. It only takes four hours and a few choice four letter words to make me super happy. Rob spent the better half of the day putting together the new buffet cabinet for the dining room. But, I love it and I love him for it!

Nice isn't it!!

And finally, the new year resolutions:

1. Loose the weight I put on this year plus 10 more pounds... total 30 lbs.

2. Spend more time enjoying my life and not just living it.

3. Teach Winston to do something useful, like let him self O-U-T in the morning.

4. Take extra time to pray each day.

5. Advance myself in a job that I enjoy doing.

While I'm not big on "resolutions," I am big on setting goals. Without goals you have nothing to reach toward. I think of these more as goals for 2009. BTW, the goals are in no particular order.

Melissa's Birthday

While we were home for Christmas, we celebrated the day of my birth! We went out to eat with my entire family plus Rob's mom and dad. We went to a local Mexican joint for dinner where on your birthday they put pie in your face. That was definitely the highlight of the day for my brother's two girls. I knew it was coming and I'm always up for making a fool out of myself on my birthday!

Then when we returned home on New Year's Eve, we celebrated some more with friends. Happy Birthday to Me and Chelsie!

Fa, la, la, la, la

I guess it's time to post our Christmas memories. We traveled to TN for the week and while it's always nice to be with family, being in the car and living out of a suit case gets old quick!!

It was a long trip mainly due to weather. We nearly were in a huge accident, but thanks to Rob's super driving skills we avoided any tragedies. Minus some heavy rain now and again the weather in TN was amazing except that I packed wool sweaters... for the 60 degree temps.

Many apologies to my family. We failed to make any pictures during Christmas.

At Rob's family, LB really got in to the Christmas spirit this year. It's hard to believe that last year she spent the whole day in a bouncy seat, and this year she had the time of her life.

LB opening her gift from us with some help from dad.

LB loved her rocking horse that Santa brought to Grammy and Poppa's house.

The gift that made Grammy cry and won me the "Best Daughter-in-law of the Year Award" the family photo we made during a quick visit from LB and the gang!

Winston on the car ride home... he was pooped and so were we!