Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Run Down

Okay, it's been a super long time since there's been a post relevant to our lives. So, here's the run down on what's been going on in our lives. The new job had taken all my time, and I've been completely wiped out when I get home! I'm growing by leaps and bounds, and I look forward to the day I am more confident in this position.

Rob and I both voted. Of course, I posted about my vote, but Rob also took his civic duty seriously as well and cast his ballot. Sadly enough, we went to bed before the ballots were tallied. We did however see how our state voted as well as our beloved Tennessee. Now we have a new president elect, Barack Obama. Here's to the first black president... or at least semi black president of the United States. It is my hope that he can help the US move forward in overcoming our differences as well as bring the US back to the forefront of world leadership. Since I work with people the world over, I know this election was BIG not only for us Americans but for the world.

Other than that, we've been working diligently with our church. Trying to find a place for our youth. We spent a few hours last Sunday in a meeting to discuss ways to keep our youth involved in church and being a Christian. It always amazes me that we require so little of ourselves as Christians that then spills over to our children. We live in a "what can you do for me" society yet as Christians it should be "what can I do for you." We spend too much time creating programs for our children without actually teaching them that being a Christian is more about what we can do for others than it is about having fun programs that pertain to my needs. It is all of our jobs to bring up the youth in a pleasing sight to the Lord. Be sure your attitude reflects the way you would want others to treat you!

Oh, and in BIGGER NEWS!! L.B. came to visit along with Ty Pennington! No, they did not come together, but they were here at the same time. Rob's sister and family including our youngest niece L.B. came to visit. During the weekend, Extreme Home Makeover was in town. So his sister and I went on a Ty Pennington hunt. We didn't see Ty, but we did see the monstrous house his crew and all the volunteers were building. I've never seen an Extreme Home in person before, but I will say it does look a little odd and out of place to have this million dollar home in one of the "older" parts of town. This house literally reaches every point of the property line. It could eat the houses around it. Not sure what I really think of the whole process. But, it was super cool none the less! Here's a pic of the team working on the Extreme home!

Last but not least on my list... Countdown til the Twilight Movie Premier!! 12 Days and counting!